This proved to be his undoing, when a few years later Isildur, his son Elendur and their men were ambushed and massacred by Orcs at the Gladden Fields. Elrond, the herald of Gil-galad, lead Isildur to the Cracks of Doom and ordered him to destroy the Ring and end Sauron's evil forever but the hearts of men are easily corrupted and Isildur claimed the Ring for himself. In the decisive battle of their war against Sauron, the Dark Lord killed both Gil-galad and Elendil before Isildur took up his father's sword Narsil and cut the One Ring from Sauron's finger - destroying his physical form and robbing him of much of his power.
He marched against Sauron as part of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, lead by Gil-galad and Elendil. Isildur was the son of Elendil, the High-King of Gondor and Arnor. The writing, which at first was as clear as red flame, has all but disappeared - a secret now that only fire can tell.' - The Account of Isildur, SA 3434
The markings upon the band begin to fade. It is precious to me, though I abide it with a great pain.
All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate, for I shall risk no hurt to the Ring.